

  • FREE FedEx Ground® Shipping within the United States on all orders over $100. We use FedEx Ground® Shipping for all USA mainland deliveries. For Hawaii, Alaska and U.S. territories, we use the US Postal Services.
  • FREE FedEx shipping to Canada for all orders over $100.
  • FREE Worldwide DHL Express shipping for the rest of the world for all orders over $100.

2-DAY SHIPPING optionally available during check-out for USA destinations.

California 7 business days
US Midlands, Asia major cities (Hong Kong, Singapore, etc.),
Europe major cities (London, Paris, etc.)
7 business days
US East Coast, US Territories, Western Canada, Western Europe,
Middle East major cities (Dubai, Doha etc.)
5  business days
Eastern Canada, Australia, Japan, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia,
Vietnam, Cambodia, Greater Middle East, Eastern Europe
7 business days
Africa, Central Asia, South America 7 business days
Questions about deliveries to your destination? email us at [email protected]

We hope you love the Anna Guanche MD
  product you ordered! If you are not satisfied, you may return a product. If received within 30 days of the purchase date, you will receive your refund in the form of a store credit. We do not refund shipping fees if any.

To return, please follow these steps:
Call our customer care at +1 (818) 225 0117 Monday through Friday between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. PT. Or email to our Customer Services at [email protected] and provide your name and contact information.

– Send the product(s) you wish to return for credit to the address below. Include any Anna Guanche MD promotional gift item you may have received with your purchase if you are returning the entire order.

– Return to:
23622 Calabasas Rd
Suite 339
CA 91302 USA

– For your security, please ship your return via carrier with tracking number. Bella Cosmeceuticals is not responsible for return packages lost in transit and the shipping fees are not refundable.

Merchandise credit on purchases from Bella Cosmeceuticals are granted for the price of the product(s) returned and sales tax (if applicable). Please allow 15 business days for return processing. You will receive an email confirming that your return request has been processed with notification of merchandise credit allowed.

Orders are processed and shipped on business days only (Monday through Friday, excluding major holidays). Orders placed on Saturday and Sunday will be processed on the following Monday. For questions regarding the status of your order, you may contact Bella Cosmeceuticals at +1 (818) 225 0117 Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Standard Pacific Time, except holidays. Or email [email protected]. Please include your full name with all inquiries.

When you order online at www.bellacosmeceuticals/shop.com, your order can be cancelled or modified BEFORE the cut off time 4:30 pm. Just contact our customer service at [email protected]  and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

If you’d rather not order online, you are welcome to place your order via phone or email with our office in Calabasas/Beverly Hills at 1.818.225.0117 Monday through Friday (except major holidays) between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Standard Pacific Time. Or email our Customer Services at [email protected]. A member of our service team will assist you in advising you on our product range, placing an order, and send you an invoice by email on which you can pay by clicking on a link directing you to our secure payment server.